Home Forums Unicon Website not responsive on mobile

Home Forums Unicon Website not responsive on mobile

  • Creator
  • #87911

    Hi there,

    My website is not showing up well on a mobile device. http://northcoastmobileautomotive.com.au
    – The main image in the home screen only shows part of the image.
    – Under Our Services, I previously had the image in the middle of the car and then text boxes surrounding it listing the services, which I have not had to just screenshot and make 1 image (no text), as the text was separated on the mobile device.
    – I there are no posts showing under the blog, there should be 1
    – There are big gaps spaces between each section. Is this something that can be helped?

    I am thinking there must be some settings I must need to edit. Can you please have a look and let me know.

    I was supposed to launch this yesterday. But when I published it live, I realised more work still needs to be done to get it appearing nicely on a mobile device.

    Appreciate your help here.


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