Home Forums Unicon Upgraded to Unicon 2.9.1 and minti shortcodes don't work, site layout breaks

Home Forums Unicon Upgraded to Unicon 2.9.1 and minti shortcodes don't work, site layout breaks

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  • #92968


    I just purchased and upgraded one of our test sites to Unicon 2.9.1. With this update, all our minti shortcodes broke and our page layout doesn’t have a max width setting.

    Here’s our test site with Unicon 2.9.1 installed: https://lscportalstage.wpenginepowered.com/

    This is our production site has Unicon 2.4.1, which our test site should look exactly like: https://portal.lsc.edu/

    We also use WPBakery for page layout, both sites have v7.4 installed.

    I noticed that in WPBakery, in the test site, when editing a page, it’s missing the field “Section Type” (https://i.imgur.com/3FUOr5S.jpeg) and the styles of the UI look different too

    How do I fix all this?

    Thank you!

    ~Mike Twining
    Webmaster at Lake Superior College, Duluth, MN

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