Home Forums Unicon CSS Questions about portfolio-overlay overlay-icon and portfolio-image-img

Home Forums Unicon CSS Questions about portfolio-overlay overlay-icon and portfolio-image-img

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  • #85326

    CSS Customization questions to get Unicon’s portfolio to work with an advanced search plugin:

    1- I am trying to use the same overlay-icon used on the portfolio on a different page. Using Chrome Tools, I found that icon-minti-plus uses “\e602”, I tried to utilize this reference but couldn’t get it work. What am I missing? Does it utilize a .jpg reference else where?

    2- The size of the portfolio-image-img is 360*240 and I was able to copy those dimensions over to my new portfolio page. However, I realize that these are computed values to ensure that the page remains responsive. I am assuming you are using media queries but wasn’t able to find @media rules. Is my assumption valid? How can I copy the CSS for dimensions of portfolio-image-img without losing responsiveness?


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