Home Forums Unicon Calendar

Home Forums Unicon Calendar

  • Creator
  • #81794

    Hi there,
    I’m using your UNICON theme for a sport association and was wondering if in your all-in-one theme, a calendar is hidden somewhere?
    Well, my other question would be what calendar add-on would you recommend? The purpose of it is to propose events on a month/tiles/list view and which can be filtered by date or geographically… (map view or just a simple texte filter).

    I installed the all-in-one calendar which works quite nicely but i’m not entirely satisfied with it… I know there is a Pro version, but the association I work for doesn’t have the money to subscribe a monthly pro version…

    Maybe that would be a good thing to add to your do-whatever-you-want-for-all-kind-of-clients theme?
    Thanks again for the great theme & support!

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