Home Forums Inovado Tooltips That Appear Downward

Home Forums Inovado Tooltips That Appear Downward

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  • #85404

    Hi Minti,
    Can I also have a piece of custom CSS (to put in the theme settings back-end)
    that will give another option for slightly different tooltip behaviour
    (for links that are in the topbar of the screen – i.e. they have no room above them to show the tooltip)

    So a simple duplicate of the existing .tooltip css settings (perhaps called ‘.tooltip-below’) – could differ slightly by setting orientation of the box and arrow to site BELOW the hovered text…

    Note: I use manually coded Tooltips (not shortcode), so this:
    <span class=”tooltips”>Text to hover over</span>
    would become this:
    <span class=”tooltips”>Text to hover over</span>


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