Home Forums Unicon WPBakery Page Builder Activation

Home Forums Unicon WPBakery Page Builder Activation

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  • #88180


    I purchased the Unicon theme and I am just now really getting into the backend of building my site, and I went to activate WPBakery Page Builder plugin that was included with the theme purchase. However, it will not activate, I am not sure why. I will not open when I click on the link that says activate, but will take me to a purchase page when I click on the purchase link below. I also have FooGallery plugin installed, and I am not sure if that might be causing not being able to activate the plugin. I would like to use the WPBakery Page Builder as I have watched a few videos and think this well be nice a easy to use.

    Please advise what I should next.

    Thank you, and have a super day!

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