Home Forums Unicon WooCommerce – Order Received (Downloads) Page – Not responsive on mobile

Home Forums Unicon WooCommerce – Order Received (Downloads) Page – Not responsive on mobile

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  • #89311

    Hi! The shopping and checkout process looks fine on mobile until the order has been received (downloadable, virtual products). This page, or at least the table in it, isn’t responsive and so on mobile, the actual “download” button can’t even be seen (or only a part of the button can be seen if the phone is placed horizontally).

    Screenshots: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wpJNGc9RAyt6Y-YiiDkT7hPSzn3UrOrd/view?usp=sharing

    On this page https://lingomac.com/shopgrammar/ I’ve set a product (“Conditionals, the first one) at $0.00 in case you need to see what happens after completing the process.

    Hope you can help me figure this out, thanks!

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