Home Forums Unicon vc_remove_element

Home Forums Unicon vc_remove_element

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  • #87381


    I want to make changes in my theme and use WPBakery Templates on some of the sites.
    It does not work and i got this answer from WPBakery.

    The issue is because many of our standard elements which are used in the default templates such as custom heading, single image element, etc. are disabled at your end by the theme author using vc_remove_element. Due to this they fail to render and display in shortcode format. You can get in touch with the theme author and get rid of the above code from the theme to get them back.

    Thank you,”

    Can you please help me or tell me what to do? Can we get rid of the code and still use the theme? 🙂

    Site: https://www.gethunted.no/

    Thank you in advance 🙂

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