Home Forums Unicon Unable to use the add to cart feature

Home Forums Unicon Unable to use the add to cart feature

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  • #86117

    I need urgent help with something. On my pricing page, I’m unable to use the add to cart feature. It has always worked in the past and now it’s not working. I’ll click the link and it just redirects to the homepage. Here’s a video of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeoWtipPvS8

    I’ve cloned the page to https://growfio.com/pricing-clone/ GROWFIO1 is the password. Refer to this and not the pricing page as I’m since had to make urgent changes. I even tried deactivating all plugins except for visual composer and WC, and it didn’t work. I just update visual composer after buying a license and it’s still not working. Please help asap

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