Home Forums Inovado The standard WordPress text widget is instead invoking minti.Sponsor

Home Forums Inovado The standard WordPress text widget is instead invoking minti.Sponsor

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  • #88125

    I upgraded a site to Inovado 4.6.7 and then noticed that our sidebars were not displaying. After previewing a page, the sidebar would then appear, even on the published site without clicking the Update button for the page previewed. BUT the sidebar displayed was still corrupt. The sidebar included a standard WordPress text widget, but that widget now behaves like minti.Sponsor. Looking at the available widgets on the upgraded site, minti.Sponsor and minti.Embed are no longer listed as possibilities as they were in 4.6.6. We do not need those widgets, but we do need the other widgets to work as they are supposed to.

    Here’s a screen shot of what is supposed to be a text widget.

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