Home Forums Unicon Revolution Slider not on Dashboard

Home Forums Unicon Revolution Slider not on Dashboard

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  • #85788

    Revolution Slider was supposed to come bundled with Unicon. I went to the Plugins and uploaded suggested plugin, one of which was Revolution. It will not upload I get a message saying :

    Unpacking the package…
    Installing the plugin…
    Destination folder already exists. /home/content/a2pewpnaspod04_data05/54/41187454/html/wp-content/plugins/revslider/
    Plugin install failed.

    I went and bought a licensed to Revolution Slider for $25 and it would not install either….. same message.

    It is not showing up on the dashboard. HELP! This is the second time I have used Unicon and had issues with the Revolution Slider not being there. Last Time I just changed my plans for the website put up a static image instead.

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