Home Forums FAQ [How To] Resizing the logo (Inovado)

Home Forums FAQ [How To] Resizing the logo (Inovado)

  • Creator
  • #81118
    Phil (Support)
    Support Staff

    Resizing the logo in Inovado

    Step 1
    Find out which header layout you are using. I will take header layout three for example.

    Step 2
    Get an FTP software like Filezilla (free) and a coding software like Sublime Text (free)

    Step 3
    login to your server via FTP and navigate to wp-conten > themes > Inovado > framework > inc > headers > header-v3.php (as we use header version three as an example, if you’re using another version please open up the other version’s file)

    Step 4
    You will find

    div class="twelve columns"

    with the logo inside and

    div class="twelve columns"

    with the navigation inside in that file. (may vary from header version to header version)
    Notice that four + twelve adds up to sixteen, so whatever you change needs to add up to sixteen.

    Increasing or decreasing the “four” will increase or decrease the logo area.
    Increasing or decreasing the “twelve” will increase or decrease the navigation area.

    Step 5
    Save that file and therefor overwrite the old file.

    Possible column combinations

    two + fourteen
    four + twelve
    six + ten
    eight + eight
    ten + six
    twelve + four
    fourteen + two

    You can use sixteen for both to try to achieve a full width logo, even tho that might influence the layout of the nav bar.
    If you don’t see the changes right away, clear your browser cache or try another browser

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