Home Forums FAQ [How To] Install Theme

Home Forums FAQ [How To] Install Theme

  • Creator
  • #81091
    Phil (Support)
    Support Staff

    Theme Installation in WordPress

    In order to install this Theme into WordPress, you should directly upload the “unicon.zip” file via the WordPress Theme Uploader. If you have downloaded “All Files & Documentation” you need to unzip the file and find the “unicon.zip” in the Theme folder (around 15mb).

    1. Log into your WordPress backend
    2. Navigate to Appearance > Themes
    3. Click Add New
    4. Click Upload Theme
    5. Now you just need to find the “unicon.zip” in the Theme folder and click Install now.
    6. Wait until the theme has uploaded and installed
    7. Click Activate
    8. Then you will see a notification message to activate the required plugins. Follow the steps to install and activate each plugin.

    Theme Installation FTP

    A further option to install this Theme, would be to upload it via FTP. It really doesn’t matter which of the two ways you choose, just choose the one you feel more comfortable with.

    1. Login to your FTP account and navigate to your WordPress Installation directory
    2. Navigate to the folder /wp-content/themes
    3. Upload the “Unicon” folder (not the .zip-file). This is the folder located inside the “Theme” folder in the zip-file you’ve downloaded from Themeforest.
    4. Now log into your WordPress backend
    5. Navigate to Appearance > Themes
    6. Find the Theme and click Activate

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