Home Forums FAQ [How To] Add Button in Menu (Unicon)

Home Forums FAQ [How To] Add Button in Menu (Unicon)

  • Creator
  • #81151
    Phil (Support)
    Support Staff


    To add a button to your main navigation, add the class “borderbutton” to one of your menu items under Appearance > Menus. Then add the following CSS to the Custom CSS field in the Theme Options.

    (v1.1 – fixed button styling in mobile menu)

    .header .borderbutton a{
        border:1px solid #1cbac8 !important;
        padding:10px 20px !important;
        margin-top:-11px !important;
        margin-right:15px !important;
        margin-left:5px !important;
        color:#1cbac8 !important
    #header.header-transparent .borderbutton a{
        border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.5) !important;
        color:#fff !important

    Here is how it looks: http://unicon.hellominti.com/home/home-onepage/

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