Home Forums Unicon Grids and layouts not working – VC issue too

Home Forums Unicon Grids and layouts not working – VC issue too

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  • #81846


    Since WordPress updated to 4.5.3 it broke the Visual Composer within the theme – we have purchased a full version of VC to sort this, however now we have an issue with the ‘rows’ within the theme. Although items look like they are within columns in the back-end, when viewing the live pages everything is trying to go in to more of a ‘list’ with each item under each other and not keeping the set column layout – making all items as wide as the container.

    We also can’t place a row within a row anymore so as to apply a background to the whole section without the layout doing the same as above?!

    2 screenshots attached – one shows the backend layout of a page, the 2nd shows how it is displaying?!

    Please help ASAP, Mark

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