Home Forums Unicon Custom menu in Sidebar

Home Forums Unicon Custom menu in Sidebar

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  • #84216

    Hi, I have a page in which I used the left sidebar layout. I created a sidebar, put it in the widgets and selected as the sidebar to use. In the sidebar I put a custom menu, and it appears like in this image (http://imgur.com/a/Udi4O)

    Anyway, you can see that between the voice ‘Accounting’ and the voice ‘Invoices’ there is a gap. That’s because the menu is structured like this:
    – Getting started
    – Accounting
    – Invoice
    – Open invoice
    – Close invoice
    – Payments

    Is there a way to show the menu in another way? For example just the first two voices and, when I hover the second one I see also the subItem (like in the header). Or a way to space the voices in a better way…


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