Home Forums Unicon Custom class for the tab title

Home Forums Unicon Custom class for the tab title

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  • #89985

    I made a custom Iconfont and it works perfectly fine!
    I want to use my icons in different tab titles, but the Visual Composer doesn’t give any option to use custom ones and I don’t know how to implement my Iconset into the Iconpicker file from the Visual Composer.

    So I tried to add it to the title text with :before and it worked, but I need to add a custom class or ID to set different values for every tab.

    The custom class option in the Visual Composer only allows a custom class for the panel of the tab, not the title.

    .vc_tta-title-text:before {
        content: "\e900";
        font-family: 'iconset' !important;
    	padding-right: 5px !important;

    I need to put the custom classes in here.

    <span class="vc_tta-title-text">Text</span>

    Is there any way how to get around this?
    Thank you!

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