Home Forums Unicon Changing the order of posts on different pages

Home Forums Unicon Changing the order of posts on different pages

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  • #89140


    I am building a website using the Unicon theme and I need the posts which are fed to two separate pages to be ordered differently. One in ascending order and one in descending order. Basically, I have an Articles page and an Events page. Both are set up as categories and added to the main nav as seemingly individual pages. When I add the posts I label them with the appropriate category and then they are fed to those pages. My problem is that they both display the posts with the most recent post at the top of the list. This is fine for the Articles page but for the Events page, I need the oldest post to be at the top. The client schedules the Event posts to appear on this page long before the date of the event for obvious reasons so that people are aware of the upcoming events. I have added a plugin that allows the scheduled posts to show up immediately in the feed.

    Is there a way to independently change the order of the post feed based on the category called? I am not experienced with writing PHP so I would need help with this. Do you provide coding services for an extra fee to solve this problem? If, not can you help me find a solution to my problem in another manner?

    Also is there a way to set up the search so that it searches only the articles page or the Events page?

    Thank you in advance for your help.


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